Hoping To Get A Natural Glow While Also Having Some Fun In The Pantry?

We’ve got your back. There’s a made-at-home natural face scrub for every skin type, whether dry, blemish, sweaty, blemishing or needing a boost. You’ll only need a cosmetic bowl, measuring containers, a liquid toner, and the ingredients as per your choice. There are ways to natural ways to cleanse and clear the skin. Most of the right element to make a homemade skin scrub ( ครับ ผิว ทํา เอง, which is the term in Thai) is coffee powder, powdered sugar, finely ground sea salt, cinnamon, and oatmeal. Women loves sugar-coffee face scrubs because they tend to glow and clear dull-dry skin and make the skin younger looking. It clears dead skin and surface buildup, revealing newer, glowier skin, and targets the sign of aging. However, it is important to use powdered sugar instead of ground sugar, so it doesn’t harm the facial pore causing skin damage.

When selecting a DIY facial scrub, use one designed for your skin type and intended to target your skin issues. Pantry ingredients such as rock salt and baking powder are preferable for oil-based or sensitive-prone skin, whereas oats are a gentler exfoliator for dull or acne-prone skin. Powdered sugar and ground coffee provide a balanced paste for mixed or dull skin.

So, as you’ve learned all about scrubs, this is time to start making the paste! Explore the most loved DIY skin scrubs-masks from skincare experts for every skin type, from sensitive to glowing and from breakouts to undamaged-clear skin.

Acne Treatment Face Scrub

Fruits containing vitamin-c has seen to treat pimples and acne, so to avoid new acne either eating fruits or applying fruit pulp will make your skin glow. Strawberry acts as an astringent, which helps clean the pores. This even contains salicylic acid, which helps to freshen dull skin and remove dead skin cells. This cleanser will help even with how to make herbal foot soak (สมุนไพร แช่ เท้า ทํา เอง, term in Thai) clear, and wipe out the bacteria infection if you have persistent breakouts or pale, oily skin.

Face Mask Recipe:

  • One cup unsweetened yogurt
  • 12 cup strawberries, mashed
  • 12 cup almond flour
  • a teaspoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

Combine all of the ingredients and gently buff the mixture onto your skin. Allow sitting for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.

Coffee Grounds Face Scrub For Healthy Skin

Give your skin a caffeine boost for a quick glow boost. Coffee has many skin-rejuvenating properties, according to dermatologist, and it immediately wakes your face up while gently cleansing.

  • Half a cup of finely ground coffee
  • 1/2 cup milk or yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Combine ingredients and softly smooth onto skin. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.